FIA Clubs Push for Legal Action Against Defamatory Accusations by Ben Sulayem

FIA Clubs Push for Legal Action Against Defamatory Accusations by Ben Sulayem
Image source: motorsport
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FIA clubs recommend legal action over Ben Sulayem accusations

Following the clearance of Ben Sulayem of any wrongdoing in an investigation related to alleged interference in two Formula 1 races, more than 30 representatives of FIA member clubs from the Americas have issued a strong letter of support for him. The letter aims to suppress any internal moves against Ben Sulayem in the near future and expresses emphatic backing from the clubs. The signatories are clearly unhappy with recent allegations against Ben Sulayem and recommend legal action be taken by the FIA against those unjustly slandering the organization and its leadership. The clubs believe that reports surrounding Sulayem were maliciously targeted at damaging the FIA, especially its President. In addition, the letter fully endorses the FIA’s findings exonerating Ben Sulayem after a thorough investigation, underlining his honorable and transparent conduct as FIA President. This significant show of support also raises the possibility of Fabiana Ecclestone, the vice president of South America for Sports and wife of Bernie Ecclestone, as a potential future presidential candidate in the upcoming elections.

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