Era Motorsport Secures Thrilling Victory at Daytona 24, Dominating the LMP2 Class

Era Motorsport Secures Thrilling Victory at Daytona 24, Dominating the LMP2 Class

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The #18 Oreca 07 LMP2 featuring drivers Dwight Merriman, Ryan Dalziel, Connor Zilisch, and Christian Rasmussen charged to the LMP2

The Era Motorsport team showcased their skill and strategy as they fought their way to victory in the LMP2 category of the 2024 IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship at the Daytona 24. Despite starting from the rear, they executed flawless pit stops and calculated maneuvers to secure their second win at this iconic race. The LMP2 field was filled with drama and intense battles throughout the race, making their victory even more impressive. Ben Keating’s fifth consecutive pole position at Daytona set the tone for the team, but it was a challenging race with high-speed corners and close racing. Despite encountering some incidents and reliability issues, the team maintained their focus and ultimately emerged victorious after a strong performance. In the highly competitive LMP2 class, talented drivers like Jakub Smiechowski, Malthe Jakobsen, Toby Sowery, and Connor Zilisch showcased their skills alongside more experienced drivers. The race served as a great opportunity for these young talents to make their mark and elevate their careers.

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