Cadillac moves into Petit lead at halfway amid tightening points

The No. 01 Cadillac Racing V-Series.R continues to display its speed as Renger van der Zande was leading at the halfway mark over Nick Yelloly in the No. 25 BMW M Team RLL M Hybrid V8 and Harry Tin…


Bourdais leads early at Petit Le Mans, two titles settled

Motul Petit Le Mans at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta began with two championships being decided and Sebastien Bourdais jumping out front before a full-course caution came out to begin the second la…


Aside from the overall IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship season titles teams are trying to secure at Motul Petit Le Mans this weekend, also up for grabs at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta are the coveted Michelin Endurance Cup (IMEC) Championships.

Aside from the overall IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship season titles teams are trying to secure at Motul Petit Le Mans this weekend, (…)


Focus on the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship going into the season finale Motul Petit Le Mans has naturally been on the incredibly close fight for the GTP title and the five-point spread between the top three combatants. But it’s not the only close championship battle.

LMP2 primed for a tight championship-decider at Petit Le Mans
