Wolff’s Concerns on F1 Departures: The Need for Stability at FIA

Wolff’s Concerns on F1 Departures: The Need for Stability at FIA

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Wolff: FIA needs stability amid "concerning" F1 departures

Toto Wolff, the Team Principal and CEO of Mercedes AMG, expressed concern over the recent departures of key personnel from the FIA, including sporting director Steve Nielsen and single-seater technical director Tim Goss. Wolff believes that their departures, along with that of Deborah Mayer as head of the FIA Women in Motorsport Commission, create a vacuum and raise questions about the reasons behind these departures. He emphasized the need for stability within the FIA and the importance of setting a transparent and ethical standard for the sport. Wolff also criticized the FIA’s handling of the probe into a conflict of interest involving himself and his wife, Susie Wolff, calling it damaging and emphasizing the need for role models in the sport.

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