Breaking Boundaries: Inside DTM’s 2024 Testing Restrictions

Breaking Boundaries: Inside DTM's 2024 Testing Restrictions
Image source: Autosport
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Details about DTM’s testing restrictions for 2024 revealed

The DTM teams now face new testing restrictions in the 2022 season, with a limit of five days of testing per driver until the finale in October at Hockenheim, Germany. Teams may opt for running both drivers jointly for five days or spread the testing over 10 days with one driver each day. Schubert Motorsport can theoretically test the M4 GT3 for a maximum of 15 days, but only with one driver at a time. DTM drivers are restricted to participating in a maximum of five limited DTM test days, as defined by the ADAC. The ADAC aims to monitor tyre usage during private tests through random samples, although there are no restrictions on the number of tyres used per test day. Regulations cover various scenarios, such as driver registration for driving activities and restrictions on testing with non-DTM drivers with platinum status. The ADAC GT Masters exemption allows teams with gold, silver, and bronze status drivers to test freely in this series, potentially providing an advantage in testing and feedback. A structured approach is in place with the DTM Sporting Board to oversee compliance and fair play among teams in the series.

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