Leclerc Voices Frustration Over Ferrari’s Disappointing Formula 1 Campaign

Leclerc Voices Frustration Over Ferrari’s Disappointing Formula 1 Campaign

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Ferrari endured a difficult Formula 1 campaign as it slipped to third place in the standings after hoping to mount a championship challenge on Red Bull

Charles Leclerc expressed his disappointment with Ferrari’s performance this season, as they were unable to compete consistently against Red Bull, who dominated the field and won most of the races. Despite Leclerc’s two podium finishes towards the end of the season, he admitted that Ferrari’s overall campaign was disheartening. They had hoped to challenge for the championship but realized after the first race that it would be difficult, as Red Bull had made significant improvements in race pace that Ferrari had not matched. However, Leclerc acknowledged that there were positives, such as their victory at the Singapore Grand Prix, and he believed that Ferrari had progressed throughout the season. He emphasized the need to work hard during the winter break to bridge the gap to Red Bull and return stronger next year.

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