Ferrari set early pace from Red Bull in Singapore

Ferrari set early pace from Red Bull in Singapore

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Ferrari set early pace from Red Bull in Singapore

Charles Leclerc was the fastest in the first practice session for the Singapore Grand Prix, followed by Carlos Sainz and Max Verstappen. The top five drivers were separated by two tenths of a second, with Leclerc just 0.078s ahead of Sainz. Verstappen had some issues but still managed to be a tenth off Leclerc’s time. Sergio Perez, last year’s winner, was seventh fastest, three tenths behind Verstappen. Lando Norris briefly led the session before being overtaken by Leclerc and George Russell. Norris ended up in fourth place, ahead of both Mercedes drivers. McLaren used the session to test updates on their car, with Norris setting the pace on Medium tires. The session was interrupted by yellow flags due to lizards invading the track, but thankfully no harm was done.

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Source: RacingNews 365

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