Pushing Boundaries: Jay Frye Sets the Pace for Innovation in IndyCar Racing

Pushing Boundaries: Jay Frye Sets the Pace for Innovation in IndyCar Racing

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Jay Frye, President of IndyCar, joined us for the 5th Annual Race Industry Week. Hosted by RACER’s David Malsher-Lopez, the interview covered the following topics: How IndyCar’s hybrid system…

Jay Frye, the President of IndyCar, made an appearance at the 5th Annual Race Industry Week. During the event, he sat down for an interview with RACER’s David Malsher-Lopez as the host. The discussion touched on a variety of topics related to the world of motorsports. Attendees had the opportunity to gain insights from Frye’s perspective on the future of IndyCar and racing in general. The interview was a highlight of the event, providing valuable information and sparking engaging conversations among industry professionals. Frye’s participation added a special dimension to the Race Industry Week, enhancing the overall experience for all involved.

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