Revving up for Excellence: Indianapolis 500 Track Drying in Motion as Blackout Restrictions Lifted

Revving up for Excellence: Indianapolis 500 Track Drying in Motion as Blackout Restrictions Lifted

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Indianapolis Motor Speedway president Doug Boles remains optimistic that the Indianapolis 500 will run in full on Sunday afternoon despite the start time being pushed back by bad weather. Storms pa…

Indianapolis Motor Speedway president Doug Boles is optimistic that the Indianapolis 500 will run in full on Sunday afternoon despite a delayed start due to bad weather. The storms passing over the Speedway led to evacuations and the clearing of pitlane because of lightning risks, but the rain has now passed, and the track drying process is underway. Boles stated that efforts are in place to start the race shortly this afternoon and ensure the entire event takes place as planned. Plans include using trucks, jet driers, and Air Titans to dry the track quickly, aiming to complete the process within two hours. Pre-recorded pre-race elements will also be run, and the broadcast blackout will be lifted to allow fans to watch the race live at home if they cannot stay for the full event.

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