Alonso’s Remarkable Comparison: The Challenge of Defending against Perez in Brazil Surpasses the 2005 Era

Alonso’s Remarkable Comparison: The Challenge of Defending against Perez in Brazil Surpasses the 2005 Era

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Fernando Alonso says it was easier to defend in some of his iconic 2005 races than against Sergio Perez late in the Sao Paulo Grand Prix. The two-time world champion famously held off Michael Schum…

Fernando Alonso compares defending against Sergio Perez in the Sao Paulo Grand Prix to his iconic races in 2005, stating that it was easier back then without DRS. He mentions that tire management is different now, as you can’t push the tires all the way like before. Losing a position in 2005 meant it was difficult to recover, whereas now there are more chances to regain positions. Alonso believes that Interlagos provides opportunities for overtaking and exciting battles. He credits keeping Perez in dirty air from the Aston Martin as a key strategy for success.

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