Overcoming Hurdles: Ganassi Fueled by Confidence Amidst Palou’s Legal Dispute with McLaren

Overcoming Hurdles: Ganassi Fueled by Confidence Amidst Palou’s Legal Dispute with McLaren

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Ganassi: Palou’s legal dispute with McLaren is “just a little speed bump”

During a press conference, Chip Ganassi Racing announced that global logistics giant DHL had become Alex Palou’s primary sponsor in a multi-year agreement, dismissing the impact of McLaren’s $23 million claim against Palou for breach of contract. Ganassi emphasized Palou’s impressive track record with the team, including 24 podium finishes in 50 starts and being the second driver to win multiple championships at 26 years old or younger in the history of IndyCar racing. Ganassi assured Palou of the team’s unwavering support in anything he wants to do and described the court case as a minor obstacle. Palou, following his lawyer’s advice, remained tightlipped about the case but confirmed he would defend his title using the number 10 rather than the available number 1. He also revealed that his Ganassi contract from 2024 is a new multi-year deal, although no specific details were announced.

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