Magnussen: Haas aiming for ‘better trajectory’ from Austin F1 upgrades

Magnussen: Haas aiming for ‘better trajectory’ from Austin F1 upgrades

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Magnussen: Haas aiming for ‘better trajectory’ from Austin F1 upgrades

Haas’ campaign has been hindered by a car that excessively degrades its tires, preventing them from converting strong qualifying performances into consistent points. They currently sit eighth in the Constructors’ Championship, with a nine-point gap behind Williams and a two-point lead over Alfa Romeo. Despite their struggles, driver Kevin Magnussen believes they should not write off the season and still have something to fight for. They are chasing Williams for seventh place but also need to ensure they hold onto eighth, which makes their recent single point in Singapore important, given their position relative to Alfa Romeo. Haas will introduce a substantial upgrade package in Austin, hoping to open up better development opportunities and find more performance. They do not expect an immediate performance gain but aim to explore a different direction and learn from the modified car for next year’s development. Haas will have limited time to understand the updated car before the season ends, which poses a challenge in determining their direction for next year.

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Source: Motorsport Week

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