Revolutionizing Formula 1: FIA Addresses Worries with Innovative 2026 Aerodynamics Strategy

Revolutionizing Formula 1: FIA Addresses Worries with Innovative 2026 Aerodynamics Strategy

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FIA’s Single-Seater Director Nikolas Tombazis has sought to clarify the functionality of the movable aero systems proposed in the draft 2026 Formula 1 regulations after reliability and safety concerns. Last Thursday, the FIA revealed a draft set of chassis and aerodynamic regulations for the 2026 F1 season, including several changes to the current Formula 1. […]

Last Thursday, the FIA presented a draft of chassis and aerodynamic regulations for the 2026 F1 season with significant changes to the current Formula 1. The new regulations will include movable front and rear wings allowing cars to switch between high and low drag settings for enhanced energy recovery due to the increased reliance on electric propulsion in the 2026 power units. While concerns over the safety of the movable aero system have been raised, the operation of the system is expected to be mainly in the hands of the drivers, similar to the DRS. Rigorous testing will be conducted to prevent system failures. If a driver fails to deactivate the low drag mode before braking into a corner, an automatic failsafe system will intervene. The FIA aims to ensure that the proposed aero system will be tested thoroughly prior to the 2026 season to guarantee safe and reliable racing conditions.

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