The Battle Royale Unveiled: VR46 vs Pramac in High-Stakes Duel for Moto2 Sensation

The Battle Royale Unveiled: VR46 vs Pramac in High-Stakes Duel for Moto2 Sensation

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Fermin Aldeguer is at the centre of a battle between VR46 and Pramac to acquire his services.

VR46 wants Aldeguer to move up from Moto2 to MotoGP next season, but Pramac wants him to stay in Moto2 for another year and join them in 2025. There have been discussions between Aldeguer and both teams in Qatar, but nothing has been finalized yet. Aldeguer’s current team and VR46 will both have a say in the decision. VR46 is also considering other options, such as buying out Aldeguer’s contract or pursuing Tony Arbolino. However, Fabio di Giannantonio is not being considered by VR46. They prefer to work with younger riders.

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