Daniel Ricciardo sends post-surgery update from hospital bed

Daniel Ricciardo sends post-surgery update from hospital bed

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Daniel Ricciardo has updated fans on his condition after undergoing surgery on the injury sustained at the F1 Dutch Grand Prix.

“Hey everyone,” he posted on social media, announcing that he had undergone surgery and received his first metal work. He expressed gratitude to those who supported him during this time. Red Bull team principal Christian Horner described the surgery as addressing a “clean break” to his hand, which he sustained during Friday practice. As a result, he has only participated in two races since his mid-season comeback, and he will also miss the upcoming race in Monza after missing the one in Zandvoort. Horner mentioned the Singapore Grand Prix as a potential return date, but emphasized that the recovery process and its duration are uncertain.

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Forrás: Crash.net

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