Peugeot Stands Firm: Powering Forward Without Vergne and Vandoorne in Spa WEC Showdown

Peugeot Stands Firm: Powering Forward Without Vergne and Vandoorne in Spa WEC Showdown

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Peugeot won’t replace Vergne, Vandoorne for Spa WEC amid Formula E clash

The French manufacturer Peugeot has not yet selected replacements for Jean-Eric Vergne or Stoffel Vandoorne, who will be unable to compete in the Berlin round of the Formula E World Championship on May 11-12. As a result, Nico Muller and Mikkel Jensen will pair up in the #93 Peugeot, while Paul di Resta and Loic Duval will team up in the #94 Hypercar class entry. Peugeot decided against giving a race debut to Malthe Jakobsen, their junior driver signed last May, for the Spa event. Peugeot’s Motorsport boss, Jean-Marc Finot, announced that the team would only consider options within the Peugeot family to fill the empty seats. The team’s two-driver plan was confirmed with the release of the entry list for the Spa 6 Hours. Other drivers, like Norman Nato and Edoardo Mortara, will also miss the Spa event to honor their Formula E commitments with other teams.

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