Ford’s Daytona 24 Hours Debut Plagued by BoP Change: Rockenfeller Shares Insights

Ford’s Daytona 24 Hours Debut Plagued by BoP Change: Rockenfeller Shares Insights

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Ford hopes hit by BoP change for Daytona 24 Hours debut, claims Rockenfeller

According to driver Mike Rockenfeller, the #64 GTD Pro entry with the Ford Mustang GT3 is not performing at the front of the field in terms of straight-line speed, acceleration, and handling. The Mustang received a weight increase between qualifying and the start of the free practice sessions. Ford was one of 11 manufacturers impacted by Balance of Performance adjustments. Despite a low qualifying position, Rockenfeller believes that if they can avoid problems and make the right strategy calls, they still have a chance in the race. Harry Tincknell expressed confidence in Ford and Multimatic’s readiness for the debut of the Mustang in the longest race of the IMSA season.

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