Ferrari’s Game-Changing Power Moves: Securing Top Talent from Mercedes for F1 Dominance

Ferrari's Game-Changing Power Moves: Securing Top Talent from Mercedes for F1 Dominance

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Ferrari has hired Jerome d’Ambrosio – previously Toto Wolff’s effective deputy at Mercedes – to be its deputy team principal and head its F1 driver academy, as well as confirming the signing of former Mercedes performance director Loic Serra to be its new head of chassis performance engineering

Recently, Ferrari has appointed Jerome d’Ambrosio, Toto Wolff’s former effective deputy at Mercedes, as their deputy team principal to lead its Formula 1 driver academy, and Loic Serra, Mercedes’ former performance director, as the new head of chassis performance engineering. The gap left by Laurent Mekies, who became the RB team boss, was filled by d’Ambrosio at Ferrari, where he effectively becomes Fred Vasseur’s deputy. Both d’Ambrosio and Serra are set to begin their roles at Ferrari on October 1st this year. Despite initial rumors of d’Ambrosio becoming Mercedes’ driver academy chief, he will instead take on the dual role of heading the driver academy and serving as deputy alongside Vasseur at Ferrari. These appointments represent significant moves in the paddock and bring an end to speculation that has long been circulating. Serra’s arrival from Mercedes, highly regarded by Lewis Hamilton, and d’Ambrosio’s transition from Mercedes to Ferrari will bring a new dynamic to the team, providing support for Vasseur and adding technical expertise to the Ferrari Driver Academy leadership.

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