Rising Star: The Untold Journey of F2’s Standout Battling to Catch F1’s Eye

Rising Star: The Untold Journey of F2's Standout Battling to Catch F1's Eye

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Kimi Antonelli and Ollie Bearman look certain to graduate from Formula 2 to Formula 1 in 2025. But what of F2’s actual points leader – and a rookie at that?

There will likely be a lot of debate about Kimi Antonelli’s rookie Formula 2 season if Mercedes chooses him as its 2025 Formula 1 driver soon, but a lot of the discussion will be unfounded. Although Antonelli hasn’t achieved a Formula 2 podium in 10 tries, he is still in the title race. Mercedes’ primary goal is not making him the Formula 2 champion, but rather preparing him for Formula 1. Antonelli needs to work on sustaining a title challenge, unlike Paul Aron, who leads the F2 title fight and was previously on Mercedes’ roster. Aron, who joined Mercedes in 2019 and is having a strong season, could potentially win the championship. It’s uncertain if Antonelli will also move on to Formula 1 in 2025, especially with tough competition like Ollie Bearman in the Prema F2 team. Aron, supported by his brother Ralf, seized an opportunity to race in the Berlin Formula E double-header, showcasing his keenness to excel in different motorsport categories. Aron acknowledges the challenge posed by talented drivers like Antonelli and Bearman, but he is focused on his performance and ambition to become a professional driver in Formula 1 or other series.

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