Championing the Mind: Norris Reveals Mental Impact of First F1 Victory

Championing the Mind: Norris Reveals Mental Impact of First F1 Victory

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Lando Norris has provided insight into his mindset following taking his first grand prix victory, with the McLaren driver insisting nothing has changed.

Lando Norris stated that winning his first grand prix in Miami this season did not change his mindset or approach to F1. He emphasized that he tries to maintain consistency in his approach to avoid feeling pressure or nerves. The victory in Miami was made possible by McLaren’s impressive upgrades introduced that weekend, allowing Norris to capitalize on the updated package. Despite the win, Norris believes his approach remains the same, although he now finds himself fighting for higher positions. The tight competition among Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes, and McLaren has led to closer races recently, which has positively affected Norris, providing him with more excitement and motivation to excel at the front. While his approach has not changed, Norris acknowledged that the heightened competition motivates him to find those extra margins for success.

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