Unraveling the Mystery: Magnussen Reveals the Story Behind the Hammer in His Haas During Testing

Unraveling the Mystery: Magnussen Reveals the Story Behind the Hammer in His Haas During Testing

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The Danish driver was pictured with a hammer in the cockpit during the final day of the Bahrain pre-season test.

Haas driver Kevin Magnussen was caught with a hammer in the cockpit during F1 pre-season testing, adjusting the seat for the new VF-24 car. He explained that they were fine-tuning the seat he used last year, needing some adjustments for the upcoming season. Despite Haas finishing last in the Constructors’ standings in 2023 due to rear tire wear issues, Magnussen remains hopeful for improvements following extensive testing. The team focused on high-fuel race simulations to tackle the tire wear problem and believes they have made progress, aiming for better performance in the upcoming races. Stay updated on the F1 season with the 2024 calendar easily accessible on your smartphone or PC.

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