Steiner to make Bahrain F1 paddock return as pundit

Steiner to make Bahrain F1 paddock return as pundit

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Steiner to make Bahrain F1 paddock return as pundit

Team Principal of Haas F1 Team, Guenther Steiner, will be participating in TV commentary for seven races alongside German broadcaster RTL and the Australian GP with Channel 10. His RTL commitments are primarily scheduled for the second half of the season, including races in Bahrain, Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Azerbaijan, and Las Vegas. Steiner, known for his role in NASCAR TV punditry, expressed excitement for the new opportunity for a similar expert commentator role in F1. He embraces offering critical opinions professionally and aims to provide factual analysis without intending to offend anyone. Despite opportunities for additional F1 work, Steiner is cautious about committing to extensive travel due to his priorities and preferences.

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