Harnessing Unity: F1 Drivers Alliance Address FIA’s Bold Penal Measures

Harnessing Unity: F1 Drivers Alliance Address FIA's Bold Penal Measures

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GPDA chairman Alex Wurz has provided an update on the level of involvement the body he oversees had on the new FIA stewards’ penalty guidelines.

Alex Wurz, the chairman of the Grand Prix Drivers’ Association (GPDA), stated that there was no consultation with the FIA regarding the new strict stewards’ penalty guidelines, and he learned about the changes through the media. The updated penalties now include fines, suspensions, and even points deductions for infractions like speaking out against the governing body and using foul language. Wurz highlighted the need for improvement in decision-making processes, suggesting greater involvement of the drivers’ union could be beneficial. While drawing a comparison with the NFL, where players’ unionization plays a role, Wurz expressed hope for fewer fines and emphasized the importance of drivers refraining from swearing as a simple solution.

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