‘Cost cap concerns could force Newey away from F1 with Red Bull’

‘Cost cap concerns could force Newey away from F1 with Red Bull’

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

According to German media, Red Bull will have to step in due to the budget cap and the hugely expensive Adrian Newey will have to shift his focus from F1 to another project in the medium term.

The idea of limiting spending for Grand Prix teams has been discussed before, with the most recent attempt occurring around 2010. It was finally agreed upon for the 2021 season, with a base limit of $135 million USD for 2023. However, teams have realized that they can’t simply bring upgrades whenever they want, as the cost must be absorbed into the cap. This has made it difficult for teams to promote and retain talent from within. Red Bull, for example, has lost key personnel to other teams due to financial constraints. As a result, there are rumors that Red Bull may transfer Adrian Newey to their RB17 hypercar project to free up space in the F1 budget. However, if this happens, Newey would no longer be able to work on the F1 machines.

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