The Ultimate Guide to the Las Vegas F1 Circuit: Unraveling its Exciting Routes and Iconic Landmarks

The Ultimate Guide to the Las Vegas F1 Circuit: Unraveling its Exciting Routes and Iconic Landmarks

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The Las Vegas F1 race takes place on some of the most famous streets in the world, but where does it go and what does it pass? Find out here.

In 1981 and 1982, F1 raced in the car park at Caesars Palace, but this time, the race will take place on the famous streets of Las Vegas. The track will feature cars flying under pedestrian bridges, past monorail tracks, and between the iconic casinos on the Strip. It has taken over a year to set up the infrastructure, including a new pit and paddock complex. The track starts in a transformed car park, now a grandstand-filled entertainment zone with a $500m complex. The layout includes tight corners, flowing turns, and long straights, providing opportunities for overtaking and thrilling racing.

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Source: motorsport

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