FIA President Jean Todt calls for the cancellation of the 2008 Singapore GP F1 result, a pivotal moment in Formula One history

FIA President Jean Todt calls for the cancellation of the 2008 Singapore GP F1 result, a pivotal moment in Formula One history

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FIA should have cancelled 2008 Singapore GP F1 result, says Todt

Massa has initiated a legal process to explore the possibility of overturning the outcome of the 2008 Formula 1 world championship due to the events in the Singapore race. He believes that the FIA had knowledge of Nelson Piquet Jr’s deliberate crash before the championship was officially awarded and action could have been taken. The points Hamilton gained in that race made a difference in the championship, and if the results were nullified, Massa would be the champion. However, the FIA’s rules state that results are final at the end of the year, which limits Massa’s options. Todt, the former president of the FIA, acknowledged that cheating was only discovered long after the race, and described the case as unique. He also mentioned that if it is true that Mosley and Whiting knew about the situation, the race should have been cancelled. Unfortunately, both Mosley and Whiting have passed away.

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