F2 Bahrain: Maloney doubles up with dominant feature race victory

F2 Bahrain: Maloney doubles up with dominant feature race victory

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

F2 Bahrain: Maloney doubles up with dominant feature race victory

Maloney climbed from eighth to win the opening race of the F2 season and continued his success on Saturday, taking an early championship lead with a feature race win. Despite starting on soft tires, Maloney was able to switch to harder rubber late in the race after a safety car interruption. A collision at Turn 1 involving Gabriel Bortoleto and Isack Hadjar led to a safety car intervention, with Enzo Fittipaldi also getting involved in the incident. Zak O’Sullivan and Dennis Hauger made impressive moves to finish second and third, with Jak Crawford showing strong form before a safety car infringement. Taylor Barnard faced issues with a pitstop error, while Oliver Bearman and Amaury Cordeel were involved in a contact incident that led to Cordeel’s retirement. The race saw dramatic moments with retirements, pitstop drama, and strategic tire changes, ultimately leading to Maloney’s dominant performance and victory on hard tires.

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