Emotional O’Ward reflects on ‘heartbreaking’ Indy 500 defeat

Emotional O’Ward reflects on 'heartbreaking' Indy 500 defeat

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Pato O’Ward was just one lap away from becoming the newest champion of the Indianapolis 500, but it was not meant to be. Josef Newgarden completed a bold pass on the Mexican driver in Turn 3 of the last lap, sealing a second consecutive victory for himself in the process. O’Ward crossed the line in […]

Josef Newgarden’s daring maneuver in turn 3 secured him a back-to-back victory, leaving Pato O’Ward in the second place spot once again. After the race, O’Ward kept his helmet on to compose himself before facing the media. Despite the challenges he faced during the race, O’Ward expressed gratitude for his team and their support. The extreme conditions and risky moves O’Ward made showed his determination to win the race. Despite falling short this time, O’Ward’s impressive performance left a lasting impact and he looks forward to the next opportunity to claim victory. O’Ward continues to impress in the points standings, aiming for another win in Detroit next weekend.

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