Norris uttered expletives during F1 Chinese GP VSC period

Norris uttered expletives during F1 Chinese GP VSC period
Image source: Motorsport Week
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Lando Norris has admitted he uttered expletives in the cockpit when the Virtual Safety Car was called once he had

Lando Norris overtook Fernando Alonso’s Aston Martin to reach third place early in the race and moved up to second when Sergio Perez made a pit stop. McLaren informed Norris of their plan for an extended first stint to counter Ferrari’s strategy with Charles Leclerc. The Virtual Safety Car (VSC) was deployed to deal with Valtteri Bottas’ incident on Lap 22, while Ferrari pitted Leclerc, frustrating Norris and McLaren. The VSC eventually turned into a full Safety Car, which McLaren had anticipated, benefiting Norris’s race strategy. Norris ultimately maintained his lead, despite initial concerns about Ferrari’s competitiveness, as both Leclerc and Perez were unable to challenge him effectively. Perez’s tire degradation prevented him from closing the gap on Norris, who managed to control the race and secure a decisive victory.

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