Verstappen’s Mission: Winning Over New Fans Amidst Controversial Chanting at US GP Podium

Three-time F1 world champion Max Verstappen has backed the organisers of the Mexico City Grand Prix’s campaign for more “respect” after he was booed on the podium at the last race in Austin.

Max Verstappen received a negative reception with a chorus of boos when he stood on the podium in Austin, Texas. The booing was debated, with some questioning if it was directed towards Verstappen or Texas Governor Abbott. Verstappen believed it was aimed at him, particularly from Mexican fans who were chanting ‘Checo’. Ahead of the race in Mexico, Verstappen mentioned the warm welcome he had received but called for more respect, referring to the “disrespectful” chanting that occurred previously. He emphasized the importance of promoting respect not just in Formula 1 but in sports in general. Verstappen has previously won in Mexico four times.

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Source: Crash

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