Revolutionary Racing Reinforcement: RB F1 Enlists Ex-FIA Expert Goss and Retains Permane as Racing Director

Revolutionary Racing Reinforcement: RB F1 Enlists Ex-FIA Expert Goss and Retains Permane as Racing Director

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RB F1 team appoints ex-FIA man Goss, confirms Permane as racing director

The Anglo-Italian team, Visa Cash App RB, announced three key hires on Monday to revamp the team under incoming team principal Laurent Mekies. Tim Goss, former FIA technical director for single-seaters, has been appointed as the chief technical officer. Alan Permane, previously working at Alpine, has been appointed as the racing director to oversee trackside operations. Guillaume Cattelani, an aerodynamicist from Red Bull, has been hired as the deputy technical director.

Goss expressed his excitement and confidence in the team’s capabilities, stating that he is looking forward to working with Mekies and technical director Jody Egginton. Permane also expressed his eagerness to return to racing and praised the professionalism and competitiveness of the team. Cattelani’s expertise in aerodynamics and vehicle dynamics is expected to contribute to the team’s performance and development.

Team principal Mekies believes that these appointments bring a wealth of winning expertise to the team and will elevate their performance in Formula 1. He is confident that these highly skilled individuals will help the team meet the highest technical standards at both the factory and the track.

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