Russell Demands Strategic ‘Common Sense’ for Sizzling Japanese GP Qualifying

Russell Demands Strategic 'Common Sense' for Sizzling Japanese GP Qualifying

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

It seems a disrupted day of practice has thrown a few spanners in the works for the teams and drivers.

George Russell emphasized the need for “common sense” in approaching qualifying for the Japanese Grand Prix following a disrupted day of practice at Suzuka. The day saw a red flag in FP1 due to a crash by Logan Sargeant, and rain in FP2 that led some teams to save sets of intermediate tyres in case of further rain. Russell, hopeful for a positive decision on dry tyre allocation for the weekend, highlighted the disappointment for fans and the team due to the limited running. Despite the challenges, Russell acknowledged improvements in the W15’s performance and positive feedback from himself and teammate Lewis Hamilton. Looking ahead to qualifying, Russell anticipates a tough challenge due to the one-lap nature of the tyres, emphasizing the importance of nailing every lap opportunity to secure a good grid position.

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