Straight Talk: RB CEO Acknowledges Team Name Challenge

Straight Talk: RB CEO Acknowledges Team Name Challenge

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RB CEO Peter Bayer has opened up on the process behind renaming the Faenza-based F1 team, owned by Red Bull.

The newly rebranded Visa Cash App Racing Bulls Formula 1 Team has faced criticism for its long name, with RB CEO Peter Bayer clarifying that the team has strengthened its ties with Red Bull. The team’s name was shortened to incorporate title partners Visa and Cash App, resulting in the formation of the Visa Cash App RB squad. Bayer explained that the Racing Bulls name has roots in Red Bull’s philosophy and history. As a result of the lengthy name, the team is commonly referred to as simply RB. Bayer acknowledged the challenge of using the full team name in media coverage and emphasized the importance of embracing change. Make sure to stay up to date with the 2024 F1 calendar for all the racing action.

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