VCARB: Unveiling an Inspiring Journey towards Creating a Powerful Team Identity

VCARB: Unveiling an Inspiring Journey towards Creating a Powerful Team Identity

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Visa Cash App RB — the former AlphaTauri team — understands the risks of its rebranding and is establishing a new identity that will be strong, according to CEO Peter Bayer. RB signifie…

The former AlphaTauri team, now known as Visa Cash App RB, is undergoing a rebranding process to establish a strong new identity, according to CEO Peter Bayer. The new company name includes RB, which stands for “Racing Bulls”, and two title sponsors have been secured. Both Bayer and team principal Laurent Mekies have been overseeing major changes, including the addition of new team members and investments in a new performance center and drivers lineup. The team aims to establish a strong identity and hopes that sponsors like Visa and Cash App will contribute to this. The Racing Bulls name was chosen as an homage to the Red Bull family, and the company name “Racing Bulls S.p.a.” was chosen to remain neutral in case sponsors change in the future.

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