McLaren on High Alert: Verstappen’s Potential Departure Sends Shockwaves through F1

McLaren on High Alert: Verstappen's Potential Departure Sends Shockwaves through F1

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Lando Norris has answered whether he is in the championship fight this season.

Lando Norris acknowledged making two small mistakes in recent races allowed Max Verstappen to extend his lead in the championship, a situation he cautioned McLaren against allowing to continue. Despite moving up to second place in the drivers’ championship after finishing second in the Spanish Grand Prix, Norris pointed out that his gap to Verstappen had widened to 69 points, posing a greater challenge. Believing he is still in the championship fight, Norris stressed the importance of finishing ahead of Verstappen to stay competitive.

Admitting he could have performed better during the races, Norris expressed regrets over missed opportunities to close the gap with Verstappen, especially in the races in Canada and Spain. Recognizing that a better decision in Canada and a stronger start in Spain could have led to victories, he remains confident in his and McLaren’s abilities to succeed. Despite the setbacks, Norris emphasized the need to focus on the future and strive to prevent Verstappen from further widening the gap in the championship standings.

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