Leclerc hopeful Sprint disadvantage can aid Qatar GP

Leclerc hopeful Sprint disadvantage can aid Qatar GP
Image source: RacingNews 365
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Leclerc hopeful Sprint disadvantage can aid Qatar GP

Charles Leclerc is hopeful that Ferrari’s decision not to use an extra set of Medium tyres in the Sprint race will work in their favor during the Qatar Grand Prix. Despite starting the Sprint with a six-lap old Soft tyre, Leclerc managed to pass Lando Norris initially but struggled with high tyre degradation towards the end, allowing Norris and Lewis Hamilton to overtake him on fresher Medium tyres. Additionally, Leclerc received a five-second penalty for track limit violations, dropping him out of the points. Despite the challenges faced, Leclerc believes not using the Medium tyres like others did will give them a stronger advantage for overtaking in key areas of the track, particularly due to the good front grip provided by the Medium tyres in the last corner.

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Source: RacingNews 365

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