Hamilton Fires Back: Disputing Ferrari’s Claims as F1 Dominance is Challenged

Hamilton Fires Back: Disputing Ferrari's Claims as F1 Dominance is Challenged

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Lewis Hamilton confirmed earlier this year he will leave Mercedes at the end of the season to join Ferrari in one of the biggest driver moves in Formula 1 history.

Lewis Hamilton stated that he is not reconsidering his decision to join Ferrari next year despite recent changes in the pecking order in Formula 1. Mercedes struggled at the beginning of the 2024 season but has shown improvement lately, with Hamilton achieving his first podium at the Spanish Grand Prix. Although Ferrari has slipped in the rankings and hasn’t been on the podium for two consecutive races, Hamilton remains committed to his future with the team. He emphasized his respect and loyalty to Mercedes, where he has been since the age of 13, and his current focus is on working hard with the team to improve the car’s performance. Hamilton acknowledged Ferrari’s recent struggles but pointed out their victory in Monaco and believes they are progressing, affirming his confidence in his decision to switch teams.

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