Driving Innovation: FIA’s Willingness to Fine-Tune F1 Power Unit Regulations Signals Future Advancements

Driving Innovation: FIA's Willingness to Fine-Tune F1 Power Unit Regulations Signals Future Advancements

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FIA single-seater director Nikolas Tombazis has left the door ajar for further changes to the 2026 F1 power unit regulations.

FIA single-seater director Nikolas Tombazis is open to further adjustments to the F1 power unit regulations planned for 2026, highlighting the need for collaboration with engine manufacturers in case tweaks are necessary. Tombazis emphasized that any changes to the agreed regulations must involve agreement from all parties involved, not just the FIA. Concerns have been raised regarding the potential repercussions of underpowered engines in 2026 on chassis and aerodynamic regulations. Despite differing opinions on the new regulations, some key figures in F1 have expressed support for the FIA and FOM, emphasizing the importance of trust and freedom in decision-making. The early decision-making process for power unit rules has impacted the overall 2026 regulations timeline, with the full set of rules expected to be finalized at the end of the year. Tombazis noted the positive outcome of increased manufacturer participation in F1 from 2026, despite acknowledging areas where improvements could have been made with more time for discussion.

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