Unleashing the Bulls: Exploring the Potential Challenges Red Bull Racing May Encounter in 2024 – Insight from Christian Horner

Unleashing the Bulls: Exploring the Potential Challenges Red Bull Racing May Encounter in 2024 – Insight from Christian Horner

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Christian Horner says there are multiple teams that could emerge as a threat to Red Bull’s dominance in 2024. Red Bull won 21 of the 22 races this season, with only Carlos Sainz’s victory in Singap…

Christian Horner, the Red Bull boss, believes that multiple teams, including Mercedes, Ferrari, and McLaren, could pose a threat to Red Bull’s dominance in 2024. Despite winning 21 out of 22 races this season, with only one race preventing a clean sweep, Horner points out that the close competition and various teams finishing second suggest a convergence in the field. He acknowledges that McLaren emerged as others dropped off during the second half of the year. Red Bull’s early consistency allowed them to build a buffer and focus on preparing their 2024 car, using their resources effectively for development. The development of the current car has been frugal since the middle of the year due to their strategic approach.

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