Verstappen’s Unyielding Appreciation: Embracing the Thrilling Racing Experience in Vegas

Verstappen’s Unyielding Appreciation: Embracing the Thrilling Racing Experience in Vegas

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Max Verstappen says he never had an issue with the quality of racing that could be provided at the Las Vegas Grand Prix, after following up his criticism of the event in the days leading up to the …

Max Verstappen admitted that he never had an issue with the quality of racing at the Las Vegas Grand Prix, despite his initial criticism of the event. He won the race after overcoming penalties and damage, describing it as fun. Verstappen praised the DRS effect for creating entertaining racing. He joked about needing singing lessons after celebrating his victory by singing ‘Viva Las Vegas’ over team radio. Verstappen also accepted the time penalty he received for forcing Charles Leclerc off track at the start of the race.

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