Unveiling the Strategic Brilliance of SCCA’s Ed Zabinski

Unveiling the Strategic Brilliance of SCCA's Ed Zabinski

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

On episode 169 of Inside the SCCA, we connect with a guy who’s not only a great race car driver and a fantastic driver coach, he’s also one of the great personalities in the SCCA. 2010 …

In episode 169 of Inside the SCCA, we feature Ed Zabinski, a skilled race car driver, prominent driver coach, and charismatic personality within the SCCA community. As the 2010 SSB National Champion with extensive experience at Road America, Ed shares insights on coaching, mastering speed at the renowned “National Park of Speed,” and captivating anecdotes. The episode delves into the similarities between playing jazz music and racing, showcasing Ed’s diverse passions and talents.Listeners are treated to a rich conversation with a multifaceted individual who excels both on the track and in coaching others.

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