Shattering Stereotypes: Women Steering the WEC to New Heights

Shattering Stereotypes: Women Steering the WEC to New Heights

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Twelve years on from the inaugural FIA World Endurance Championship race back in 2012, so much has changed. The prototypes and GT cars look and sound different and there are more major brands throw…

Twelve years after the first FIA World Endurance Championship race in 2012, the landscape has transformed with diverse prototypes and GT cars from major brands enhancing the competition. An impactful change lies in the increased representation of women in the paddock, exemplified by Iron Dames Porsche’s historic win with an all-female crew in 2023. As Women’s History Month kicked off in the US, attention shifted to the expanding female presence in the WEC, spanning various roles beyond drivers. This organic shift towards inclusivity showcases the evolving nature of the championship, progressing beyond mere regulations. The growing diversity in the paddock signifies a positive human maturation in the WEC, highlighting the significance of celebrating these achievements. The compelling stories of prominent women in the paddock, such as those behind General Motors’ multi-car effort, underline the importance of recognizing and sharing the fascinating journeys of these individuals.

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