Derani Dominates Night Practice at the Rolex 24, Leaving Competitors in Awe

Derani Dominates Night Practice at the Rolex 24, Leaving Competitors in Awe

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Drivers put in their crucial Thursday night practice in conditions similar to what they’re likely to experience after the sun sets on the 62nd Rolex 24 at Daytona this weekend, giving the tea…

On Thursday night, drivers had a crucial practice session at Daytona under similar conditions to what they will face during the Rolex 24 race this weekend. This practice allowed teams to gather valuable setup information. For many Bronze drivers, it was necessary to get some experience driving at night during the race. Pipo Derani set the fastest time in his Cadillac, followed by Felipe Nasr in a Porsche. Malthe Jakobsen led in the LMP2 category, and Earl Bamber topped the GTD PRO class in a Corvette. The No. 86 MDK Motorsports Porsche 911 GT3 R was the fastest in the GTD standings. Two cars, both GTD PRO cars, did not participate in the session.

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