Buescher’s Darlington Drama: Frustration boils over in late-race clash

Buescher's Darlington Drama: Frustration boils over in late-race clash

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Chris Buescher described Sunday at Darlington Raceway as good, hard racing until it wasn’t, as he struggled to understand Tyler Reddick’s move that took them both out of contention for the vi…

Chris Buescher expressed his frustration over a racing incident with Tyler Reddick at Darlington Raceway, which took both drivers out of contention for the victory. Buescher was leading the Goodyear 400 race when Reddick’s move caused a collision, leading to tire issues for both drivers. Despite confronting Reddick after the race, Buescher acknowledged the need to move forward. The incident led to Buescher finishing 30th, while his teammate Brad Keselowski went on to win the race, breaking Ford’s winless streak. Buescher remained determined to focus on the positives and the team’s competitiveness moving forward.

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