Building on Strength: JRM Bolsters 2024 Xfinity Crew Chief Lineup with Stellar Additions

Building on Strength: JRM Bolsters 2024 Xfinity Crew Chief Lineup with Stellar Additions

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JRM adds familiar faces to 2024 Xfinity crew chief lineup

Adam Wall will lead JRM’s No. 8 team with new driver Sammy Smith, while Phillip Bell returns as crew chief for the No. 9 team and driver Brandon Jones. Mardy Lindley and Jim Pohlman will continue as crew chiefs for the No. 1 and No. 7 teams, respectively. Wall previously worked at JRM as an engineer before rejoining the team as a crew chief. Bell, who was the lead engineer for the No. 9 team, is excited for his new role as a crew chief. Both crew chiefs have previous experience with JRM and are familiar with the team’s systems and personnel.

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