Sainz’s Grid Penalties Caused by Unforeseen Circumstances Leave Him in Awe

Sainz’s Grid Penalties Caused by Unforeseen Circumstances Leave Him in Awe
Image source: Motorsport Week
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Carlos Sainz has been left in ‘disbelief’ after receiving a 10-place grid penalty for the Las Vegas Grand Prix after

Carlos Sainz’s weekend in Vegas got off to a rough start when he hit a loose drain cover during FP1, causing extensive damage to his car. Fortunately, he wasn’t injured in the incident. The Ferrari mechanics had to work quickly to prepare a new car for FP2, which was delayed by 150 minutes due to repairs on the track. Despite the setback, Sainz performed well in FP2, finishing second fastest. However, his hopes for the race were dashed when he received a 10-place grid penalty for having to replace an energy store during the repair. Sainz expressed his disappointment with the situation and questioned the need for such penalties in the sport.

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