Resilient Hamilton unfazed by Mercedes’ late-season surge

Resilient Hamilton unfazed by Mercedes’ late-season surge

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Lewis Hamilton asserts he’s not been “dazzled” by Mercedes’ late-season momentum but accepts that the team securing second in the

Mercedes introduced a revised floor at the United States Grand Prix that Lewis Hamilton felt was one of the first upgrades he has noticed in the past two years. Despite securing successive second places in Austin and Mexico City, Hamilton is cautious about Mercedes’ chances at the Sao Paulo Grand Prix, expecting Red Bull and Ferrari to be strong. Hamilton hopes that their car performs well in Brazil, but acknowledges that it is difficult to predict the outcome. Mercedes currently holds a 22-point advantage over Ferrari, but Hamilton believes it will take a monumental effort to keep them at bay. Hamilton is focused on securing second place in the Constructors’ Championship and is determined to be ready to challenge Red Bull if their pace is not as strong as anticipated.

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Forrás: Motorsport Week

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