Under Fire: Ferrari’s Missed Victory Opportunity on a Wet Track

Under Fire: Ferrari's Missed Victory Opportunity on a Wet Track

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

One of Ferrari’s newest 24 Hours of Le Mans winners, Antonio Fuoco, said that a change in track conditions would have been tricky for Ferrari. “I think if the track condition changed, and we went faster, [that] was tricky for us. But I think, honestly, [Nicklas] did an amazing job and managed it very well,” […]

Fuoco praised Nicklas for his impressive performance on the track despite the challenging conditions, stating that he handled it very well. Nielsen, on the other hand, mentioned the extensive fuel-saving efforts he made to stay ahead of the #7 Toyota during the race. He had to pit on lap 280 to address a door latch issue on the #50 499P and fuel up for the last time. Despite Lopez’s persistent pursuit, Nielsen managed to maintain a 14-second lead and secure the victory. The Dane’s focus was on adhering to the energy target per lap to conserve fuel and maintain his lead. In the final hours of the race, Nielsen pushed hard to preserve tire temperature and the gap to the pursuing Toyota, ultimately clinching the victory.

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