Revolutionizing Racing: FIA Implements Track Limit Management Strategy for F1 Austrian Grand Prix

Revolutionizing Racing: FIA Implements Track Limit Management Strategy for F1 Austrian Grand Prix

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The FIA has incorporated new gravel traps and the inclusion of AI software to combat track limits abusers during this weekend’s Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix. Last year’s race at the Red Bull Ring saw a gargantuan 1200 potential breaches of track limits noted and the FIA has sought to respond to the situation. In […]

In response to the high number of track limit breaches during last year’s race at the Red Bull Ring, the FIA has implemented new measures to enforce track limits during the Austrian GP weekend. Gravel traps have been added to Turns 9 and 10, and the kerbs at Turn 4 have been narrowed to penalize drivers for going off track. The FIA F1 Race Director emphasized that the drivers will now have clear boundaries and feedback to prevent track limit violations. A semi-automated AI system, along with the Remote Operations Centre, will monitor track limits breaches throughout the weekend using blue lines to indicate when a car goes over the edge. The FIA plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the gravel traps at the Red Bull Ring to potentially implement them at other circuits, such as the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas. The temporary gravel strips at Turns 9 and 10 will be replaced with asphalt to ensure safety for MotoGP races at the Red Bull Ring in August.

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