Rapid Aron Seizes Pole Position in Barcelona Qualifying Showdown

Rapid Aron Seizes Pole Position in Barcelona Qualifying Showdown

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Hitech’s Paul Aron managed to clinch a very tight Formula 2 pole position in Barcelona. Jack Crawford and Franco Colapinto completed a top three only separated by 0.006. Taylor Barnard caused the first red flag of the Qualifying session after a snap into Turn 9 that caused him to go into the walls. Less than […]

During the Qualifying session, Taylor Barnard caused the first red flag with a mishap at Turn 9. Despite this, Championship leader Paul Aron went fastest initially followed by Dennis Hauger and Franco Colapinto. Issak Hadjar briefly held the provisional pole before Aron reclaimed the position towards the end. Crawford and Colapinto completed the top three, with notable absences from the top 10 like Bearman and the Campos drivers racing at home.

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